September 2024 Newsletter
Welcome to our September 2024 Newsletter. Here you will find our community, research, and the Bergerac Praxis Hub updates from the month of September.
🚀 Upcoming Explorations 🚀
Join us for our next Conscious Communities Connection Call on Wednesday 16th Oct 6pm - register here.
🌻 Conscious Collectives 🌻
🎥 In September we hosted our first collective film night, watching the film Wall-E before coming back together to discuss and share our reflections on it. We’ll keep you posted on our next one!
Wisdom of the Second Renaissance
🔥 Featured 🔥
Bonnitta Roy, who recently featured on our podcast, has a new course now accepting applicants. The Divinity School focuses on developing visionary leadership rooted in spirituality and deeper human understanding. Through the mastery of key skills, the program empowers leaders to guide their communities toward a more vibrant and harmonious future. You can read more here.
💡Life Itself Research💡
✍️ DDS Research Retreat
From 9th-11th September, we hosted a research retreat on Deliberately Developmental Spaces (DDS) at the Farmhouse Hub in Thénac, with collaborators from Springboard Foundation, Liminal Learning, Erasmus University, and McMaster University. Objectives included developing a manifesto for research in service of the advancement of Deliberately Developmental Spaces and developing strategies to implement this agenda, as well as strengthening collaborative relationships.
📖 DDS Study Group
10 participants joined the first session of the Life Itself Research Community DDS study group hosted by Isabela Granic and Boaz Feldman. Over the course of 6 weeks, this group will read and discuss some key theories in developmental psychology to uncover what exactly matures over developmental time, with an eye towards pragmatic applications of these theories especially in the design of DDSs.
🎨 IDG Summit 2024
We will be co-hosting a research and creativity event with Emerge and the Cohere+ project team on Day 3 of the Inner Development Goals Summit in Stockholm, 16-18 October 2024. Join us there if you will also be at the Summit!
🌅 Second Renaissance 🌅
To see our up-coming Second Renaissance events across October, including our biweekly Workspace Calls, and monthly Deep Resilience Community Practice Group, visit our dedicated calendar here:
Listen to Rufus Pollock as he reflects on Technology and a Second Renaissance.
🌳The Bergerac Praxis Hub🌳
Read the Bergerac Praxis Hub’s updates for September here: